
Two gospels are before you

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Right now there are two choices before you. Two promises about where we find freedom.

Two gospels. One brings life, the other brings death. 

The first tells us that to find freedom, we have to look within. It’s the promise we’re sold in Eastern spirituality, New Age religion, and Oprah. We find redemption as we are liberated from external forces, from God, from notions of right and wrong, good and evil… we find redemption by experiencing the divine within.

This is the promise so many of us buy into every single day. And it’s killing us; it puts an unbearable weight on our own shoulders, one far too big for any of us to carry. We do meditation or yoga, we clear our minds and strive to be “one” with the universe… We seek enlightenment, but what we find is unfulfilling. So we try harder, do more, move on to the next guru or book. And the cycle continues, day in and day out. And it never ends.

Instead of fulfilling it’s promise of freedom, looking within brings bondage. 

The other tells us freedom is found outside us. We find redemption not by being liberated from God, but by being reconciled to Him. Instead of trying to carry a weight too big for us, Another comes to carry it for us. He frees us from the constant need to do more, and try harder. Instead of looking for the next guru, we look to the One who said, “It is finished.”

Which is the one the world needs to hear?


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