Updates and Endorsements

It’s been a pretty crazy week—lots of work going into the final touches on the book, LOTS of plates spinning at work, and a really cool opportunity that’s come up. So, I thought I’d give you all a quick update!

This week I received word that I’ll be heading to Phoenix to live-blog the 2011 Together for Adoption conference on October 21-22. I’m very excited to be joining Joe Thorn, Steve McCoy, Zach Nielsen, Lindsey Nobles, Noel Piper and a whole lot of other fantastic bloggers for this event. If you’re going to be there, I’d love to connect!

Speaking of Together for Adoption, Tim Chester and Dan Cruver (author/editor of Reclaiming Adoption) are delivering a pre-conference event called “Missional Church, Missional God, Missional Story.” Here’s more from the website:

Missional Church, Missional God, Missional Story
Tim Chester and Dan Cruver

Missional church is not simply the latest fad. It’s rooted in the trinitarian character of God and the story of the Bible. Explore the foundations for shaping life around gospel, community and mission along with practical application for church life and the implications for orphan care.

Registration: $75 Per Person

I’m most likely going to be blogging at this pre-conference event as well—it looks fantastic.

On a personal note, today is my daughter Abigail’s first day of school. Please pray we won’t have a lot of tears (from me).

Finally, as I mentioned above, we’ve been hard at work putting the final touches on Awaiting a Savior (which releases October 1) and the book has already received a couple of terrific endorsements:

“In our highly activist, solutions-oriented generation, we easily think that we ourselves are the solution to the world’s social ills, particularly poverty. But the problem of poverty is the problem of sin and its solution lies in the heart of the Gospel. Aaron Armstrong brilliantly brings us back to Genesis and delivers a theologically robust vision for obeying the Scriptures command to help the poor while living in anxious anticipation of Christ’s coming Kingdom.”

Daniel Darling, Senior Pastor of Gages Lake Bible Church; author, iFaith: Connecting With God in the 21st Century

“Aaron Armstrong’s heart to minister to the least of these is on full display in this concise book about the opportunities and limitations of ministry to the poor. Challenging our own idolatry, our motivations, and our actions, Awaiting a Savior reorients our mercy ministry around the gospel, seeking to show how a life of love is the overflow of a grace-filled heart.”

Trevin Wax, editor of TGM (Theology, Gospel, Mission) and author of Counterfeit Gospels and Holy Subversion

I am very excited to share this book with you all—in some ways, October can’t come fast enough! Look for a few sneak peeks soon and more endorsements as they arrive.

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