If I could explain all the mysteries of the Bible, then would you believe? No, you wouldn’t.
If I could show you many signs and wonders, then would you believe? No, you wouldn’t.
If I sacrificed all that I have and all I am in service to the poor and oppressed, then would you believe? No, you wouldn’t.
If I could live my life in such a way that there wouldn’t be even a hint of hypocrisy, then would you believe? No, you wouldn’t.
If I could prove my genuine love and concern for you over and over again, then would you believe?
No, you wouldn’t.
I cannot create a compelling enough argument to make you believe.
I cannot point to any sign that you could not explain away.
I cannot sacrifice enough or be authentic enough to convince you that the gospel is true.
No matter what I say or do, no matter how hard I try, there will always be another excuse to continue in unbelief.
While every day of my life will be spent seeking to live more and more in light of what Christ has done, I know I will stumble and fail. I will say and do things that will cause you to say, “See, this is why I don’t believe!”
I can’t not disappoint. I’m a sinner just like you.
So let’s be honest. I want you to believe the truth of the gospel. I want you to believe that Jesus Christ—God the Son in human form—lived a perfect life in obedience to God the Father, was crucified to pay for my sins and yours, and rose again in victory over sin, death and judgment.
You don’t want to believe this and there is nothing I can do on my own to convince you otherwise.
Fortunately, there is one thing I can do: I can pray for the One who can convince you to do exactly that.
I can pray for a miracle.
The only thing that will make you believe is if God, through the Holy Spirit, gives you a new heart—one that can see the truth and is willing to respond to it.
Then all the arguments will crumble.
Then all the barriers will break down.
Then all the excuses will come to an end.
And then you will believe.
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I’m far too willing to argue my faith with those who do not share it, and far too feckless in praying to God that they receive him. Thank you for the reminder.
It is an inspiration to read this essay. I don’t feel so helpless and useless in my evangelism…Thank you
You’re welcome, Rick. Grateful that this has been an encouraging read!
Fantastic. Love it.
This is a great post and it really touched me. Thank you and God bless!
Praise the Lord that He’s both willing and working that people don’t perish! Thank you, Aaron, for your posts.
This was powerful…Thanks Aaron.