What’s On Your To-Read Pile?

Here’s a look at a few things I’m reading right now:

What are you reading this weekend?

7 thoughts on “What’s On Your To-Read Pile?”

  1. This weekend is something old…something new:
    I started Paul Tripp’s Forever
    Also picked up Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment again.

  2. Gospel Wakefulness by Jared Wilson
    The Art of Curating Worship by Mark Pierson
    Gospel Powered Parenting by William Farley
    Jesus+Nothing=Everything by Tchividjian

  3. In putting together a Doctrine of God class for my church using various Systematics Theologies (Grudem, Berkhof, Bavinck, etc.), at the request of my SysTheo professor, I decided to cut my current reading list down to one book:

    Knowing God by J.I. Packer. I should be able to finish it by the end of the weekend.

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