What’s On Your To-Read Pile?

Here’s a look at a few things I’m reading right now:

17 thoughts on “What’s On Your To-Read Pile?”

  1. I read “Equipping Counselors for Your Church” and “What is the Mission of the Church.” Thumbs up on both!  “Community” is in my “to read” pile. Currently I am really loving “Sex, Dating and Relationships,” by Gerald Hiestand and Jay Thomas. Will be reviewing that one on my blog by Wednesday. Next is, “Family Vocation,” by Vieth.

    I’m looking forward to reading your new book, Aaron. My brother teaches Mixed Martial Arts, and I am a fitness junkie, so I Iove the analogy. And can I just say that Cruciform does a great job on cover design. Is that Meath’s wife who does all those?

    1. I think it’s his daughter who does the cover design, actually. Agreed, though, she does a great job on them. Looking forward to getting the book out and into your hands, Aimee; I’m praying it’ll be helpful.

  2. Currently reading The Reason for God by Tim Keller. Next up is probably “God Big Picture” by Vaughn Roberts. A re-read of ” A Preacher’ Portrait” by John Stott is on the cards. “God is the Gospel” by John Piper. 

    I recently had a friend donate me £300 to spend on theological books. So I have a big influx of new material heading my way. Need to rattle off a number of books I already have before they get here….

  3. Picked up N.T. Wright’s “Kingdom New Testament” and “Simply Jesus” – started reading from this version of the NT yesterday.  Looking forward to David Sitton’s “Reckless Abandon” and Thabiti’s “Finding Faithful Elders and Deacons”.  Hoping to dig into Brad House’s “Community” as well.  On order: Greg Beale’s New Testament Theology.

  4. Reading “Generous Justice” by Keller and “Repenting of Religion” by Greg Boyd

    Looking forward to reading “What is the Mission of the Church” as it is probably very different from what I’ve been reading of late.

  5. Beale’s NT Bib. Theo., Anderson’s Earthen Vessels, Chapell’s Hardest Sermons Ever Preached & Holiness by Grace and just finished Invitation to Interpretation.

  6. The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God, by D.A. Carson. 
    And, like you, trying to finish “What Is the Mission of the Church” by Kevin DeYoung and Greg Gilbert.

  7. ChristiansInContext

    Disciple by Bill Clem, Making Ideas Happen by Scott Belsky, Generous Justice by Tim Keller and

  8. Loving the Way Jesus Loves by Phil Ryken, The Morification of Sin by John Owen, and The Church and the Surprising Offense of God’s Love by Jonathan Leeman

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