What’s the Deal with One or Two?

This past week I spent a lot of time blogging through the messages of the truthXchange’s Think Tank and some of you might be wondering, “What’s the deal with this One or Two thing they keep going on about?” The big idea behind this concept is that fundamentally, there are only two worldviews—there is the Truth and the Lie. This is essentially what Paul is talking about in Romans 1:25 when he says that “they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator.” Take a look at this quick video:

The language of One-ism vs. Two-ism is a really helpful tool to unpack this truth and how it affects the world around us today, where increasingly our culture and even our churches have succumbed to varying degrees to the Lie. Recently I was asked in an interview about how it’s been helpful for me and probably the biggest has been having a really helpful tool to begin to teach my children the most basic concepts between different worldviews. The grid of One or Two allows us to ask questions of the shows we watch with the girls and even the marketing they’re exposed to in the stores, asking what it is that they’re trying to teach, what do they think it says about God and about us. For us, it’s about critical thinking and not simply telling our kids what to think (because we can’t really do that in any long-lasting way), but how to think. We want them to think carefully about all they are exposed to both outside the church and inside it; to understand, should the Lord open their minds and hearts to understanding such things, that the distinction between Creator and creation is a thing of beauty and really what makes this world and the good news of the gospel make sense.

I hope you’ll take some time to learn more about truthXchange’s ministry by checking out Peter Jones’ most recent book, One or Two, and reviewing the articles and audio/video resources on truthXchange.com. And if the Lord leads, please give financially to support this fantastic ministry.

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