What's Your Most Memorable Book?

What’s one of the most memorable books you’ve read?

Is it one that taught you something new or got you thinking about a subject from a different perspective?

Maybe it’s one that just made you laugh?

I tend to read multiple books concurrently on a variety of subjects. Right now, I’ve got What is Reformed Theology by R.C. Sproul, Leading with Love by Alexander Strauch, The Book on Leadership by John MacArthur, Made to Stick by Chip & Dan Heath and few others on the go. I’ve also got Knots & Crosses by Ian Rankin waiting for me (the first fiction book I’ve read since January).

In case you haven’t guess, I don’t really do “light” reading.

Right through college, I never really cared much for non-fiction. I’d read the odd biography, like A Beautiful Mind and If Chins Could Kill, but I was a big fiction reader.

And what is still one of the most memorable I’ve read is High Fidelity by Nick Hornby.

It’s just one of those books that I really identified with… probably because I was (and sadly still am) something of a music snob, looking down on everyone else’s terrible taste in music because it doesn’t match mine. That said, my taste in music has never been all that interesting, so really, I was just a bit of a tool.

There’s just a certain charm to the story of Rob, a record shop owner trying to figure out why his life sucks is a disaster.

It’s not a pretty book filled with perfect people; it’s just real life, regular problems… It’s relatable.

There are other books that really stand out for me as well. Shooting at Midnight (and all of the Atticus Kodiak books) and Queen & Country by Greg Rucka (crime and spy/espionage stuff), Pornified by Pamela Paul, The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God by D.A. Carson (this and Packer’s Knowing God are probably two of my favorites when it comes to theology)…

But what about you: What’s your most memorable book?

Share your thoughts in the comments.

7 thoughts on “What's Your Most Memorable Book?”

  1. Diddo on Don’t Waste Your Life

    Desiring God

    The Life of God in the Soul of Man

    Velvet Elvis (even while I may not agree with everything in it)

    anything Elisabeth Elliot


    The Polar Express

    1. Aaron Armstrong

      Read Don’t Waste Your Life (and just finished listening to Desiring God–I need to get a hard copy), but can you tell me a bit about The Life of God in the Soul of Man?

      Sounds interesting.

  2. Marshall McLuhan – Understanding Media (THE source text on media. Required reading)

    Madeleine l’Engle – Walking on Water

    Thomas Merton – The New Man

    Stephen King – On Writing (this was a surprise since I’m not King fan)

    Francis Schaeffer – How Should We Then Live?

    Donald Miller makes me laugh… out loud… in public even.

    Fiction… I don’t read much fiction, but “Girlfriend in a Coma” by Douglas Coupland + “Miss Wyoming” and “All Families Are Psychotic” also by Coupland

    1. Nice choices–l’Engle is swell. Never been a King fan, although I’ve heard good things about On Writing. I will have to read it.

  3. It’s kind of funny that a guy who had every Tea Party album ever was a music snob.

    Wait, no, the more I think about it that actually that makes perfect sense ;D

  4. hmmm the most memorable book I’ve ever read would have to be PIHKAL (phenethylamines I have known and loved) by Alexander Shulgin. Without doubt one of the most important books of the century.. Besides that it would have to be End the Fed by Ron Paul, that was a real eye opener..

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