A few months ago I shared that I was thinking about going back to school. This wasn’t an easy thing to talk about—or even to think about and pray through! You know how people like to say, “If God’s in it, you’ll feel peace about the decision”?
Yeah, no. I’m pretty sure I’ve never experienced that. Ever.
But, I felt convicted that I needed to start going down this road. Honestly, there are way too many guys out there who are naturally pretty sharp and intuitive, but only rely on that, and wind up train wrecks as a result. And I’m not interested in being one of those.
Fast forward a few weeks to October and my last update(s) on this journey. By mid-October, I had completed the application process with a reputable seminary (this is important), and had been accepted as a student. And at the end of January, I will begin working on my Masters of Arts in Theological Studies at Covenant Theological Seminary.
To answer a couple of important questions:
- Am I moving to Missouri? Nope. I’ll be learning via distance education.
- Am I becoming a full-time student again? Nope; I’ll be continuing on with my current employer and working on my education on the side. It’ll take me a couple of extra years, but it’ll be worth it.
So, the journey is about to begin, and I’ve got a favor to ask:
Will you help me with paying for my tuition?
My family’s conviction is to avoid accumulating debt in going to school. The last time I was in school (a three-year diploma in graphic design), I paid for entirely with student loans. This time around, I can’t do that. For me, and for my wife, it would be wrong for us to do so.[1. I’m not suggesting it is for anyone else, mind you.] So, I need to raise about $28,000 to cover my tuition and incidentals.
And I would love it if you could help by giving five dollars to my campaign at YouCaring.com.
Five dollars might seem like a drop in the bucket. And maybe it is. I mean, it’s a comic book or a latté. But it’s often the seemingly little things make a huge difference. And if enough people gave this, my goal would be met in no time.
Would you partner with me and my family on this journey and give five dollars to help me pay for school?
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I wish you the best of luck. I am going to LBTS and having to use student loans. Wish I could help you out just can’t at this time. God Bless,
No worries Paul. I hope you’re able to get your loans paid off quickly!
Thanks Aaron! I have been sending out resumes like crazy. Hope to graduate with my Mdiv in 2016. Until then I am trying raise support for a missions trip to Haiti this summer to train pastors.
Congratulations, Aaron! I am so excited for you! Will be praying for you and Emily as you start this journey together.
Thanks Kim!