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Why Contend?

My new book, Contend: Defending the Faith in a Fallen World, is now available. In the following video, I explain why contending matters and what I hope readers will get from this book:

Thanks to Red Rubber Studios for the top notch production work on the trailer.

3 thoughts on “Why Contend?”

  1. Rachel McAdams, Ryan Gosling and now Aaron Armstong. Who would have thought London Ontario could have produced so many camera friendly people? All kidding aside, good job on the trailer. I am looking forward to getting my copy. Hopefully it will be here this week.

  2. Nice video. Obviously battling with a windy day, but looks great. Ever thought of becoming the next Rob Bell 😉 (video-wise, rather than becoming an evangelical pariah, that is….)

    1. Thanks! It was indeed a pretty windy day; fortunately the only place where it’s obviously noticeable in the audio is in one shot (at least as far as I could tell).

      My new video series shall be called: “You know what really grinds my gears?”

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