The Writer’s Process, Writing Like You Speak, and Coldplay vs Dave Matthews

Since Dave was being all professional and in a meeting, Barnabas and I decided to have a conversation about what might be the grossest phrase associated with writing: the writing process. What are the habits, practices, and disciplines that work for us? What does it look like to be writers who have jobs? Y’know, simple stuff like that. Listen in as we dig tackle the following topics:

  • Which of us would prefer to live the romanticized version of the author’s life
  • What our writing processes actually look like
  • Which is worse: Coldplay or Dave Matthews Band
  • The best way to use humor in writing
  • Why “writing like you speak” isn’t great advice

As always, thanks to Lagares Roasters for partnering with us to make the Table of (mal)Contents blend. Pick up a bag (or 12) today.

The only books we mentioned on this episode are our own, so if you’d consider all of them up, that’d be amazing.

Aaron’s books:

Barnabas’ books:

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